The New You Program

The New You Program, helps you declutter yourself, change your self-perception and move forward with more freedom to choose who you are and how you apply yourself in the world. Release the layers of impure energetic information from the layers of your body consciousness and then reset, re-energise, revitalise and reprogram for a healthier application into your life.

Sessions are powerfully focused zoom or phone consultations. Every person’s needs are different, so whether your challenges are around health or managing or opening up for relationships or finding that perfect job and career, this program can be designed specifically for your needs.

It includes, tools to maximise your efforts whilst minimising the time taken to make them happen.

Options are for a minimum of four session or many sessions thereafter, if required to move you to that point where you are in control of your circumstances.  Follow up activities are provided to keep you motivated and inspired.

The fee for this program is between:

  • $225 per session
  • $870 for 4 sessions upfront (a saving of $30)
  • Each session is a 1hr 45mins Zoom or phone consultation

Any pre-arranged number of sessions and fee as per your own specific needs.

It also includes the Inner Shaman Cleansing & Visualisation recording as part of your own self maintenance and management.

I have noticed I am much more positive, catch myself whenever I am having a negative train of thought and stop it. I have noticed the negative train of thoughts in others more and can see that is how I used to be. I use my mind in a more forceful way and bend my will towards a goal and immediately banish any doubt that creeps in and focus positive thoughts on creating the outcome that I want.  



Please enter your details below for more information or phone Leonie on +61 416 242 519.

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