DNA, Genetic Karmic Tags & Healing the Wounds throughout time

DNA, Genetic Karmic Tags & Healing the Wounds throughout time

Nucleic acids, compounds first discovered in the nuclei of cells, are exceedingly large organic molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous. They are divided into two principal kinds, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)....
Imbalances in the Chakra System

Imbalances in the Chakra System

The Chakras, Functionality and Healing Clients often ask me, what are the chakras for in a body and do I do healing on chakras. The answer is yes, I definitely work on the chakras in a healing to be able to understand what is involved in chakra balancing or healing,...
Flu Viruses in the Whole Family

Flu Viruses in the Whole Family

Once again this last winter I have had clients whose whole family have been “victimised” by the wretched flu viruses that seem to lurk around everywhere.  The entire family seems to be in a cycle for almost the entire three months over winter.  As each of the family...
Consult the Map – Make the Journey Simple

Consult the Map – Make the Journey Simple

Going for an easy Sunday drive with your spouse should be a simple, fun endeavor but I should remember that I need to pay attention to my own intuition when I hear my significant other say “Don’t worry about the directions – we’ve been there before and we just...
Hold Alls – Shift the Responsibility

Hold Alls – Shift the Responsibility

I used to be one of these.  A “Hold All”.  This is someone who is over conscientious, does “over care” in a big way and solves problems for people without those people having to lift a finger or use their mind to work it out for themselves.  The assumption of the Hold...