Case Study : Taking Control of Your Life
“In The Pink”
Most of us want to be well and have our lives going in the direction we desire. We want to have awesome vitality, drive and purpose to focus our lives and we like to feel like our health is “In-the-Pink”, resilient and robust and we are on track at all levels. If we get off track, we sometimes need an extra leg up to get our focus again.
This is the type of requests that I help clients with every week.
“Leonie… I am feeling stuck – can you help!?”
“I was feeling tired, drained, and had a complete loss of appetite. Things in life were quickly spiralling into chaos, my business ventures were feeling stuck, our family finance was becoming very tight and things were going missing including my engagement ring. I contacted Leonie for help and she offered me a full review, tracked when things started to go awry and I had a well needed healing session.
When the healing finished, I actually felt I was getting order back in my life and started to have clarity about where I was going. The day after my healing, I woke up feeling energized, my appetite was back in full swing, the feeling of blockage on my businesses felt lifted and the most amazing thing happened my engagement ring reappeared in the most bizzare place after you said it was ‘not lost it would be found’. Leonie you are amazing… there are no words that I can explain how amazing I feel and the changes that happen so quickly… and I will be forever grateful for the return of my ring XX” Melissa A, Gold Coast, Qld.
YES, I CAN Help You to:
- Let go and release the past, the energetic and emotional challenges that you are trying to struggle through and help you get through any health and wellbeing concerns.
- Reset your satisfaction in life and how you view your world.
- Reset your boundaries and strengthen your choices and approaches.
- See the beauty all around you and once again bring you into the flow of life through appreciating even the little things, right down to the small “aahs” and feelings of blessedness.
- Help you understand your worth, your purpose, your role and how you can be in absolute perfection and strength along your life’s journey
I will help you with strategies to maintain yourself and keep yourself feeling “In-The-Pink”.